During this time you will need to engage in
deep introspection, self-examination and self-criticism. Quite possibly you will feel lonely and depressed. The way in which you handle this influence will have important consequences later for your physical and psychological well-being.
The real question is what you are.
During this time you may withdraw from others, have difficulty in relationships - especially with women - experience depression and feel quite inferior to life's demands. The best way to deal with this is not to take it all so seriously. In emotional relationships, this influence can create a tension between your desire to be close to someone and the desire to free.
Be careful to give your loved ones the same freedom that you want, and do not try to be unfairly possessive of them. Also, confrontations with the unconscious aspects of yourself mentioned above can affect relationships adversely during this time. In such cases it is necessary to cultivate a sense of detachment and not become so wrapped up in your emotions that you cannot see beyond them.
There's more than a little of the gambler in Aries, whether it's with money, emotions or ideas. When they want something, Ariens aren't subtle. Ariens can be querulous, irritable and bad-tempered. When they're fired up about something, nothing else seems as right, as true, as self-evident. They simply don't notice that you have your own opinions, unless you shout at them. And they're often genuinely hurt if you think they're being selfish or egocentric. In fact, the Aries partner is no more selfish than anyone else, and frequently less so. The Aries man often pushes himself beyond his limits trying so hard to be the Ideal Male. It helps a lot if he can relax and recognise that he's human too. But Aries has difficulty acknowledging his humanity, because he's so caught up in the world of myth.
He can alternate between breathtakingly poetic gestures of generosity and some pretty crude insensitivity and trampling of others' feelings. Aries is not very good at the art of adjustment. If he can understand that a relationship is a thing which grows and changes and needs insight and attention, he'll happily make that his cause. This position makes you a very faithful lover, but in the liberal climate of today, an incident of unfaithfulness will be very traumatic for you, you have to know that faithfulness belongs more to the heart than to the body.
Gemini's airy endless curiosity about people and life, combined with Aries' fiery imagination and courage, can create a sparkling relationship.You have a deep emotional understanding of how you get along. But the Moon can also create such a strong emotionalism that you are unable to stand back and look at yourselves clearly in terms of your relationship. Be careful to avoid such extreme emotional involvement. This will be a very intense relationship, whether it is good or bad. What you can have in this relationship, if you learn to let matters be, is a tremendously significant encounter that will revolutionize your lives and put you on a whole new path.